When I was a little girl, I wanted to strive for uncommon goals in life. Based on my daily interactions as a strange, lonesome child, I came across very nice people who really inspired me, such as:
The nice cash register lady at Lucky Food Store. (I wanted to wear a cool smock and push buttons on the cash register all day long and put things in the grocery bag, and talk to nice old non-English-speaking grey haired ladies).
The nice people at the now-defunct King Cafe in Chinatown. I was fascinated by the food elevator, such an engineering marvel with that PA system. (I wanted to serve dim sum, bus tables and wipe those tables down with vigor - the way they did it.)
The nice man at Acme Chicken in Chinatown who always wore a rubber apron and boots, greeting people in Cantonese, always with a huge unlit stogie in his mouth. (I wanted to NOT work there, but I liked the way he slung them chickens and he ran his show so incredibly efficiently).
Yes, I know. You're ready to slap me as I had a tabula rasa/Thomas Hobbes moment...but all that just to say, I'm still inspired by peculiar people and things. I am still quite an independent child, who works in happy solitude, making soaps, waxing, lashing and bonding daily with cool people. By the way, stay tuned for an announcement on this blog for a marvelous deal coming up.