Friday, July 24, 2009

Ga Ga over Balenciaga and Nightlife

To escape her busy life in Paris Mme Esther spent a brief holiday in Los Angeles and bought this necklace from Balenciaga.

She wore it to dinner at Melisse in Santa Monica. Champagne and candle light always make everything better.

After dinner, while waiting for the valet, Christian Hosoi glided by on his skateboard and said "what's up" and kept on riding by. He dropped a $20 from his back pocket. Esther picked it up and headed to Pinkberry where she treated everyone in her dinner party to a yogurt.

Then it was off to a dive bar somewhere in Santa Monica, a young lady accidentally spilled red wine on her dress.

Esther laughed it off, and the nice young lady sent over a round of drinks - a shot of Crown with a pineapple back for everyone.

Merci beau coup! Bonne nuit!